Your Ideal Bathroom? A Custom Design by Our Specialists Will Make That Dream Come True!

It's important to highlight a key advantage of custom bathroom design. The furniture we choose will, of course, be functional and perfectly utilize the available space. But there's more—clients can also personalize the space!

An original effect can be achieved, for example, through the use of unusual colors in accents or larger décor elements. Sometimes opting for an unconventional shape or size of furniture can make a difference, and often, adding interesting handles and lighting is enough to achieve a stunning result.

In summary, custom bathroom designs not only address our needs but also ensure that spending time in this space brings true pleasure.

Custom Bathrooms – Why Is It Worth Investing?

A bathroom is a space where, contrary to appearances, we spend quite a bit of time. It should be well-organized to facilitate quick mornings, daily grooming routines, and evening relaxation and preparation for sleep.

While it is possible to use ready-made, "universal" furniture available on the market, achieving the desired effect may be challenging. Only by opting for a custom bathroom design and installation can we be assured that it will meet our expectations.

Since each person has slightly different needs, this will be reflected in the choice of shelves, cabinets, drawers, and other storage solutions. Some people like to have everything within reach, others want to fit not only cosmetics but also towels and linens into the bathroom, while some prefer a stark minimalist approach. Custom bathroom designs are the only way to achieve all these goals.

What are the other benefits of this solution? Here are some of them:

  • Durability of Materials: Our specialists help choose durable materials. Thus, when selecting a bathroom furniture design, we can be sure it will last for many years.
  • No Hidden Nooks: Custom bathroom designs are created to ensure every space is functional and usable, avoiding inaccessible corners that collect moisture and dust. This ensures cleanliness and order.
  • Cohesive Design: More and more often, kitchen, living room, and bathroom furniture is made from the same type of wood or follows a central design theme in terms of construction or color. In such a space, not only does our body rest, but our mind also finds peace.
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Custom Bathroom Designs for Small Spaces

For many of us living in apartments where the bathroom space is limited, it may seem challenging to bring our vision to life. Can our designers handle such a challenge?

Absolutely! A bathroom doesn't have to be a space we dread using, even if it's small or contains unusual alcoves. In such situations, professional help is precisely what we need. Our designers have extensive experience dealing with these challenges and are not afraid of innovative solutions.

You can be confident that they will ensure the potential of the space is maximally utilized. So, what should such a bathroom look like? A custom-designed bathroom allows for maintaining ergonomics and functionality. For instance, some cabinets can be integrated into the walls, remaining invisible while still providing extra storage space. Well-chosen furniture can also hide undesirable elements, such as washing machines, pipes, or connections.

Importantly, choosing light-colored, reflective surfaces can make the bathroom appear larger than it actually is!

Meble na wymiar Szczecin -


A co, jeśli mieszkamy w domu i mamy do dyspozycji wiele metrów kwadratowych? Czy wtedy też musimy korzystać z pomocy projektanta? Tak i to z kilku powodów.

Popularne sklepy z gotowym wyposażeniem łazienek nie trudzą się w przygotowaniu większej ilości mebli do tego pomieszczenia. Zwykle ograniczają się do tych podstawowych elementów, tj. szafka pod umywalkę, witryna i półka z lustrem. W dużej przestrzeni jest to nie tylko niewystarczające, ale też tworzy ubogi, niedokończony efekt.

Zamawiając projekt łazienki na wymiar, możemy puścić wodzę wyobraźni i zadbać, by każdy domownik znalazł tu przestrzeń dla siebie. Czy zdecydujemy się na podwójną umywalkę? A może chcemy stworzyć prawdziwy pokój kąpielowy z miejscem do relaksu i spa? Wszystko to jest możliwe, dzięki pomocy naszych projektantów.

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